Almarg, let me give you a little logic lesson if I can be so bold. Just because there are a lot of variables doesn’t mean that fuses are not directional. Capish? If you guys were really interested in the truth rather than arguing til you’re blue in the face you’d have done the experiment yourselves a long time ago. The other variables can be controlled. Like the placebo effect, whatever. Don’t you know that?
Note to self: Why do naysayers, the uber skeptics , the practitioners of uber careful pseudo logic always demand that believers must be the ones testing for fuse directionality? Why don’t naysayers test for themselves? Wouldn’t that be uh, more convincing for them? I mean, why would these uber skeptic’s even believe any test by a True Believer? It doesn’t make sense. Yet the demands for tests, especially the silly double blind ones. Give me a break! Tests are for sissies. My guess is the pseu-pseu-pseudo scientists don’t want to be found wrong and be the laughing stock of all the other self-appointed shepards of the pseudo audiophile flock. This whole anti fuse directionality movement is really a big nothing burger. 🍔
Note to self: Why do naysayers, the uber skeptics , the practitioners of uber careful pseudo logic always demand that believers must be the ones testing for fuse directionality? Why don’t naysayers test for themselves? Wouldn’t that be uh, more convincing for them? I mean, why would these uber skeptic’s even believe any test by a True Believer? It doesn’t make sense. Yet the demands for tests, especially the silly double blind ones. Give me a break! Tests are for sissies. My guess is the pseu-pseu-pseudo scientists don’t want to be found wrong and be the laughing stock of all the other self-appointed shepards of the pseudo audiophile flock. This whole anti fuse directionality movement is really a big nothing burger. 🍔