Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
There was a pair of 3.7s Les Paul Edition speakers on USAUDIOMART a few months ago for sale for $6800. The ad expired (never said sold). Does anyone know if these ever sold? They were a nice looking pair. I can no longer respond to the seller, since they're expired. If you go to the website and enter 649304777 in the search line, you can see them.
There was a pair of 3.7s Les Paul Edition speakers on usaudiomart a few months ago for sale for $6800. The ad expired (never said sold). Does anyone know if these ever sold. They were a nice looking pair. I can no longer repond to the seller, since they're expired. If you go to the website and enter 649304777 in the search line, you can see them.
I always wondered if those Les Paul 3.7s sold or not.  It can be hard to tell when trying to track sales of speakers.
Undoubtedly unsound will offer wise advice/suggestions regarding powering the 3.7's appropriately;  his past advice regarding my former 3.5's was useful and utilized. Toward that end I have to once again offer my opinion on Pass Labs - if the cost is in your wheelhouse.  Right now there's an X250 up for grabs here for $2500 - pretty much the same amount I paid for my two, on separate occasions, X150.5's.  I believe the X250 is 250 into 8ohms, 450-500 into 4ohms. Pass was by far and away the most neutral or colorless amplifier I've owned to date, IMHO a perfect match for Thiel loudspeakers which share the same sonic descriptions - colorless, neutral, accurate.  

Per unsound's spot-on remarks, the 3.5's were/are possibly the easiest Thiel model to drive without stressing the amp, 300 watts into 4 ohms and I never stressed a hair remaining on me head. 

Funny how we evolve our systems around these excellent speakers, ain't it?
oblgny, I have tried other solid state amps including Krell and Bryston with by Audio Research tube preamps, and ended up selling and going back to AR tube amps, now with a Ref 150. I'm always looking for better. Do you think the X250 would match up with my AR Ref 5E preamp and my 3.6s?