Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
The add was mine!I had a lapse in judgment!At the time I was sick of b.s. offers and was ready to give them away!Im keeping them and would no longer let them go for that! I was ready to back to b&ws,not any more!I haven't ever seen another pair like mine yet!I think someday I'll leave them to my son.

I'm currently using a Simaudio integrated with my 3.6's and find it pretty damn good, 200 watts into their 4ohm load.  I sold off my second X150.5 and a BAT VK3i preamp simply because I grew weary of all the wires and what not. 

I started  out with a First Watt M2(?) ss amp and almost immediately moved to my first X150.5 when I got my first pair of 3.5's. I've had a few AR preamps and they pair exceptionally with Pass and Thiel.  The X250 for sale here is an early model, followed by the 250.5, and the 250.8. From what I've discovered, at least with the 150 series, there is no manufacturer upgrade path from one to the next. Obviously, Pass commands a pretty steep entrance fee - the 250 for sale here is as much as a used X150.5 goes for currently, but with a LOT MORE power on tap. 

Yes, I'd say the Pass 250 is more than well suited to your 3.6's.  

So if I understand correctly you got only really lowball offers?  That seems weird, since as far as I can tell 3.7s have sold fairly well over the last couple of years (and now are all the more rare).  I wonder if people are wary of a custom finish or something?
corvette01, I was seriously thinking of making an offer on your 3.7s back when I first saw these, but I just couldn't justify the extra money for the Les Paul edition. At the time, I was about to buy a pair of 3.7s in Atlanta (driving distance for me) for a couple of thousand dollars less, but they sold during my indecisiveness. I really want to hear a side-by-side comparison of my 3.6s with the 3.7s in my listening room.

oblgny, I am tempted to give the X250 a try in my setup, but I think that I will keep money on reserve just in case a pair of 3.7s (or possibly 2.7s after reading prof's helpful input) show up on the market. The X250 is 13 years old and amps over 10 years old always concerns me. There are numerous used components that I have bought and sold after a short audition when they didn't meet expectations, only to loose the cost of shipping. That is one of the benefits of buying used, but I sometimes wonder if age related sound degradation is why expectations were not met.
Prof,yes nothing but stories is what I got,wasting my time!I wanted a cash,local sale only and I'm sure that didn't help!Not everybody has 7k for used speakers!Also the finish is not for everybody!Not every wife what's Jimmy Page in the living room!Mine likes the finish and said not to sell them.Listing them for free on usmart was a mistake.I should has listed them here!