Tachyons?? Really?

Well if Quantum wasn't enough, we now have products with Tachyons (hypothetical sub atomic particles). What's going to be next?

Hey, I've got a cable that uses Hawking Radiation as a gain source for people with passive preamps.

Maybe we should have some kind of alert system like Amber and Silver on the highway. We could call it a Brown Alert. It will be used when someone is trying to sell you a complete line of BS.
Since they will probably like the attention I will mention the listing.
Listing #  "lis84ibb" is a field generator that uses Tachyons to absorb excess electrons from the ionosphere thereby making electricity more efficient. This is a Brown Alert.
Hey, pal, Superman already did it a long time ago when he flew around the world a bunch of times faster than the speed of light so he could go back in time and save Lois Lane. Duh!

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