Cable manufacturers?

How many cable companies actually manufacture their own cable? 

Perhaps Mogami, Belden, Canare and a few others. I am willing to bet most cable companies do not manufacture their own cable, but simply buy cable, throw on some techflex or other custom jacketing, and do nice terminations. 

Anyone have any any actual Information? 
I like the spirit of OP's initial query.  Hopefully, the big guys are not junk-sourcing to china like so many audio electronic companies. Valid questions.
News flash!! - sourcing to China is a nothing burger. Sinophobia, plain and simple.
China can build anything at any level there is .
 USA has 10% of industrial capacity it had at start of WW II and has an economy based upon selling slips of paper aka Wall St .
Whoa! What? Hey, Did I just detect a subtle bashing of the Clever Little Clock and Brilliant Pebbles?
Subtle bashing?  No, I was pretty direct.  Of all the snake-oil peddlers on this site, you rank #1.  Congrats!