In regard to "No room EQ is available with SSp-100 as seen with Lexicon which may or may not add to sound quality after spending $4000", my experience is the Lexicon room correction EQ definitely improves the sound quality. Bass is cleaner and midrange has more clarity. Whether this is worth the cost is a personal issue, but the Lexicon system is easy to set up, works without glitches, and to me is a sonic improvement.
In regard to "No room EQ is available with SSp-100 as seen with Lexicon which may or may not add to sound quality after spending $4000", my experience is the Lexicon room correction EQ definitely improves the sound quality. Bass is cleaner and midrange has more clarity. Whether this is worth the cost is a personal issue, but the Lexicon system is easy to set up, works without glitches, and to me is a sonic improvement.