Anyone know where I can get a Wadia 850 cd player repaired?

I have a Wadia 850 cd player that up and quit on me. Two problems surfaced: first it would cut out on, then silence, then music would come back in, second, the disc drawer now won't open. I emailed Wadia/Audio Research, they won't touch it because of parts being nla, also contacted several other repair outfits and got the same answer. So if anyone knows of a  shop or individual that could possibly fix it, I would be ecstatic. I can't even imagine taking it to e-waste. Thanks for any help...

Sounds like yes you have two problems. Very nice R2R lader Multibit player BTW, hard to better, do not scrap it. Give it to me if you have to.

The Sony KSS-240a laser needs to be replace, laser is available and still cheap

Second problem is the Teac VRDS CMK-4-a tray mech, double gear is worn out or striped. There some making this gear and selling them on ebay. look at yours and pick the right one from here.

Both these are an easy 1-2 hr job if your a bit mechanical minded.

Cheers George
Hi George,

Thanks so much for all the valuable information and links. I did have that gear replaced by Wadia a few years back and then it was plastic, it's possible it self-destructed yet again.

I might give it a go, especially with the links to these parts. Hopefully it's self-evident upon opening it up...

Thanks again!!
I did have that gear replaced by Wadia a few years back and then it was plastic, it’s possible it self-destructed yet again.
Yes they’re not long lasting, especially if you listen and changed cd’s often.

But those ebay ones being made are better plastic and some even metal.

Your unit is the  Teac VRDS CMK-4  mech

Cheers George