NEW DAC PS Audio Direct Stream DAC or Keep What I Have

I am almost done with my system and I need some advice on my final audio piece.

I have a McIntosh MA7900 Integrated Amplifier with a pair of Harbeth 30.1 speakers.

The McIntosh has a built in DAC.

On the digital side I have the PS Audio Memory Transport CD player playing through a Wyred 4 Sound DAC 2 with no upgrades. The Wyred 4 Sound DAC 2 sounds a little better than the built in DAC in the McIntosh amp. A little more air, maybe. It could be the interconnect making it sound that way. I haven't experimented enough yet with those. The Wyred 4 Sound DAC has the HDMI I2S input that connects to the Transport and is what PS Audio claims is the best sound. The PS Audio DAC utilizes the I2S input as well.

Seems like the natural choice would be to get the PS Audio Direct Stream DAC. It can be had for a fairly reasonable price right now and has a new updated firmware application that is supposed to be a big improvement.

My question is do I keep what I have or does anybody know if the PS Audio Direct Stream DAC would be a major upgrade or is there another DAC I should consider.

Thanks for any advice.

Just ordered the PS Audio Direct Stream DAC. Thanks for the help. Seemed like the only natural thing to do.
I'd be interested in your conclusion as to whether the PSAudio bests the Wyred 4 Sound

I will post as soon as I get it and have time to evaluate. They Wyred 4 Sound beats the Mcintosh built in DAC. I will tell you that.

I have had a PS Audio DirectStream DAC now for nearly three years and I've applied each firmware update as they became available, and IMO each and every one of them has made an audible improvement.

As well, I used to have a PS Audio PerfectWave transport, recently upgraded to their DirectStream transport, both connected to the DAC using their I2S interface (HDMI cable), and have been very pleasantly surprised at how much more detail in albums I've enjoyed for years that becomes available with that combination.

I used to have the DirectStream DAC as input to a McIntosh MAC6700, after upgrading to separates, into a C50, now a C2500 preamp, using the balanced interconnects.  It seems that PS Audio & McIntosh work very well together.

No desire to change my setup!

I am currently using a PerfectWave transport with a Wyred Dac2se via i2s.

I love it, but am also curious how the PS Dac works for you.  That was what I originally wanted, but got the Wyred for a great deal.  Thinking of just sending in the Wyred for a full upgrade, which cost less than selling it and buying a new PS Audio.
