Best high-efficiency speaker for Unison S6 EL34-based integrated

Hello audio junkies.

I've been running my 35w Unison Research S6 integrated amp with a classic pair of Proac Response 2.5, but have come to the conclusion the the Unison doesn't have enough juice to get the Proacs to sing. I've been doing some research on higher-efficiency speaker brands that may be a better match for the amp, like WLM, Tannoy, Zu, Living Voice, etc. Functionally, my room is 13" x 30" and I need to fire the speakers across the short dimension, positioned about 7' apart on either side of fireplace. Would like to find something that would charge the room with bass and image well.

Any recommendations for me? Can be modern or vintage.

-Bob R
Hello all,

I will 2nd the Tekton Double Impacts,

They are capable of singing like a Angel with the Glorious 1watt 
Linear Tube Audio MZ2 preamp used as a Intergrated.

Take a look at the high efficiency (94+ db) single-driver Omega speakers (bookshelf and floor standers) ( .  I own a pair of the Super Alnico Monitors driven by a Unison Unico (original hybrid with two 12au7's in the preamp section).  My room is similar in size (15x25) to yours, but I have the speakers on the short wall.  This combination sounds wonderful, and I just had the amp modded and now sounds even better.  Really wonderful speakers.
Look at Charney Audio in Somerset NJ. He build high efficient horns designed on the tractrix theory. I have a pair of the maestro and love what I;m hearing. Fast, dynamic, coherent and ohh the bass! Imaging is off the charts excellent with emotional involvement.