I still listen to Classical music 5-6 hours a day 24/7/365 .
If i'm sitting there listening to beauty I damn sure ain't going to be looking at ugly !
If i'm sitting there listening to beauty I damn sure ain't going to be looking at ugly !
Most Beautiful Receiver / Integrated - Ever was... ?
On looks (build quality is also amazing, feature set is complete and sonic abilities are great) this unit does it me, and is my current integrated. I consider myself a lucky guy. Just beautiful, and symbolizes for me the meaning of "back to having fun with music and audio gear’’, with a retro twist. After 30+ years of boutique, one-knob amps, preamps and integrateds (most pretty high quality, ss and tubes), this integrated is part Wurlitzer jukebox and part Jaguar E-Type rolled into one to get your heart racing. And the return of true quality tone controls is heaven-sent. https://www.google.ca/search?q=yamaha+a+s-3000&client=safari&hl=fr-ca&prmd=ismvn&sou...: |