Anyone try and compare the Halcro SSP 100 or 80?

I have heard good and bad things about these Halcro SSP and my dealer really recommends it over the other lines he carries like Meridian, Lexicon and Theta.

Has anyone out there had one of these ssp's in there system to compare?

I currently have a Meridian G68 XXX and I really do like it but the video switching and what my dealer tells me is better audio has me thinking about an upgrade.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


The new Krell only does HDMI video, no Audio. It does sound very nice and I think your idea of using something like a Zektor switch would open up your possibilites.

My Halcro SSP-100 is in the shop right now, but when I get it back, my delaer says I can home demo the new Krell. That will allow me to hear them head to head.

Based on hearing them seperately in different environments, but with the same speakers, I THINK it will be pretty close sound wise.

The Krell is cheaper than the Halcro so Halcro better come out with their HDMI Audio upgrade if they want to keep the advantage.
