Price No Object Amps

Just posting for human interest/curiosity purposes. I wouldn't suppose anyone on AGON has one of these, however, from a sonic performance perspective, which would you choose?

Is it even possible to build a 2 million dollar Amp would be my question. How much Engineering knowledge would be put into it to justify such a price tag.
And it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s one of yours :)
You're right, but it was the S-30, which costs about 2 orders of magnitude less.

Even if gold wire is used, I don't see how a product doing what some of the amps on this list do could cost that much. But there is something called the Veblen Effect, which has to do with the idea that when something costs more, you are also getting a greater value. Which means that they could be priced high to invoke a sense of greater value. Quite often though the 2nd hand market sorts those sorts of things out. has a $600k turntable for sale. Take a look. It even has an electronic microscope built in.
Billionaires spend their ill-gotten gains on million dollar shit like this. 

Better than on some other things, though.
As for that turntable, if it is indeed objectively enough the very best table by a significant margin, it has the right to cost what it does.