Aurender upgrades Tidal - MQA -Only for A10 and 20 - lesser models not worth their time

Hello I was totally pissed off when I seen upgrades available the latest Tidal MQA to enable 
Will MQA on the latest firmware download on applies yo their top machines your $3k and under 100H  series don't rate. The engineers at Tidal said that this being a software based download 
There is no reason the 100 can't have firmware code written for it.
Other lesser players have MQA in their players . This smells like a numbers game to try to force 
You into spending double or more for their top end players.which is total BS.
Please note to Anyone that was considering buying a Aurender player.
The 100H has a 2T hard drive ,and a 120gig solid state buffer for super fast response and No moving parts. That is why I bought it .It is a great buy. MQA IS A absolute Must have to hear  their reference top quality files on Tidal. A waste if time without  . Any current Aurender 100 owners let Aurender know how being shunned will not go unnoticed !!

As lalitk posts above, all Aurender music servers are capable of MQA file playback and displaying MQA content. Currently, Aurender music servers (including the A10) will send the necessary bit-perfect information to MQA certified DAC hardware with Full Decoder technology for the best possible MQA experience .

As the A10 is Aurender's ONLY music server that also contains a certified, MQA Full Decoder DAC, the Aurender Conductor App can only display MQA Decoding status when used with the A10. Otherwise, the MQA file or stream is sent to the DAC hardware and an MQA certified DAC with Full Decoder technology will provide the decoding status.

My Aurender music server has a tab for all albums coded with MQA.  When I stream them to my non-MQA DAC, the DAC displays 48khz and sounds very good.  

MQA is software. Months ago, MQA files would be unfolded on a computer so what Lalitk mentioned above isn't completely true. There are benefits of unfolding MQA files even if you don't have a MQA supported DAC. I didn't go with Aurender products when I auditioned many similar products years ago. I initially went with the Auralic Aries and they had software for MQA over a year ago but pulled it. Then I moved up to the PS Audio directstream with bridge II. The bridge II firmware had an upgrade yesterday to handle MQA with Tidal. So it is possible to include MQA in streaming units

Thank you for your feedback. If you would’ve read my post carefully, nowhere I said that MQA is a hardware. All I was trying to reiterate is MQA encoded files requires MQA certified hardware to properly decode the max embedded resolution.

Do you consider Perfect Wave Bridge II a software or hardware upgrade? Is your PS Audio Directstream DAC capable of decoding MQA files without PW Bridge II from an external source like a streamer or computer?

Are you able to operate Bridge II independently and stream/decode MQA files?

N100 or N100H is a independent cache digital music player designed specifically to stream digital files, including MQA files just like your Bridge II in tandem with a outboard DAC. Without Bridge I or II, directstream is simply a DAC.

What operator should be looking for is one box solution - streamer / DAC to enjoy MQA and other digital files, like A10 or directstream with power Bridge II.

IMO, PS audio has taken a smart approach of ’modular’ design to keep their DAC’s relevant with future software / hardware upgrades.

I did not just shoot my mouth out .for Tidal is working on a version that can be used like a firmware upgrade such as I have been doing with my 
PS Audio Direct Stream dac..tidal says a later in the year .
It is correct  the  A10 does have dac built in . I think the firmware version will be much better for all .it is all a scam about $$. Originally it was supposed to be 1 license  and a small very  minimal charge per unit.  I refuse to pay Tidal a dime as well as Many others until they stop their Black mailing practices forcing companies to  Keep paying .that is my opinion .
audioman58 - please translate your post to English.

On second thought, never mind.
