Need advice about upgrading speakers ( it might be the last one i own).

Need some friendly advice or recommendations about a major upgrade in speakers. I am looking to buy used to stretch my dollar

I currently own a pair of Golden Ear Technology model 7's speaker. They are 3 years old and retail for $1395.. They can sound very  good in my set-up and are accurate, but also are a bit edgy on top, and also  don't convey the feeling or emotion of real music. Without getting into the definition of "real music",or the ambiguous  terms euphonic vs real, or warm versus  analytical,  just  say I would like to acquire a better sounding speaker. I play a fair amount of classic rock, and rock/jazz fusion and classical symphonic is getting a lot of play time recently.

So far, I have considered:

Revel Concerta F-206 ( retail $3500) 

Choral 826W ( $3500);

PBS Imagine T-2 ( $3500 )

Tannoy XT-8F  ( $2600 retail).

Vienna Acoustics Baby Beethoven ( $4500 retail ?) 

Audio Physic Tempo 25 ( $6995?) ( not the later 'plus" version) 

Audio Physic Scorpio  retail $6500 )  

Audio Physic Sitara 25  ($4995 retail);  

 ProAC D-25 (retail ??)

Audio Physic Virgo II  ( $5495 retail )    

I have heard the Tannoy and Revel and AP Virgo II.  The Revel and Tannoy sounded very good , but the Revel has the  lead.   I have heard other Vienna Acoustic speakers and was not overly impressed  The AP Tempo Plus is also in serious consideration.  For the record, I am looking a smoother, and more musical speaker than the GET 7's

Magneplanars are too problematic in placemen;, therefore, I have almost eliminated them from consideration. 

Thank you,  S.J.


jrosemd:  Just a comment.  I haven't heard the Montis, but I have heard many Martin Logan hybrids.  Some, to me, sounded wonderful, others, not so much.  I think setup and associated equipment have a lot to do with how these speakers sound.  Some of the best Martin Logan sound I have heard were in owners' homes, with painstaking setup and very good to excellent electronics and wires.  Also, FWIW, I never heard any speakers at BB/Magnolia that sounded good on demo, including Martin Logan and Vienna Acoustics.  I seriously doubt any speakers there are set up properly, even if some of the employees might know what they are doing (and I highly doubt that).  I would suggest a demo at a dealer who knows more about proper speaker setup and can demo them properly.

jrosemd, don't be so quick to judge. First of all, if you know a reputable place selling brand new ML Montis pair for $4K, let me know. Secondly, as someone who just sold a pair of MMGs, with all the possible tweaks, I can tell you my almost 20 year old ML Aerius i is significantly better sounding than the MMGs. 

bondmanp's analysis is spot on. Right components and correct set up are the keys for any speaker to perform. Owning an MMG, you probably already know that since I found them the most difficult speakers to optimize for placement, not mentioning their demands on the partnering amplifier.

My finest piece of advice would be to go the RMAF this fall, You should be able to separate the wheat from the junk. 
It seems as if you heard the $10k Montis at a real disadvantage; probably with a poor setup and maybe supporting equipment mismatch too - synergy is everything. The Magnolia  near me plays them typically with McIntosh tubes. While I'm not a fan of that pairing, with solid state amplification by McIntosh, that makes them sing. I've heard the MMGs several times and they are no where near the Montis; nice but not in the same ball park.

Please, if they are selling new pairs of Montis for $4k, please let us know where as it sounds as if a few of us are interested in that steal of a deal.

Disclosure: I own ML Vantage speakers with a McIntosh MA6500 integrated. Montis would be nice step up for me.