Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers

@lpretiring  There was so much back and forth today, that I overlooked saying: Congratulations on ordering the Electrons.

If you are having second thoughts about how they might work for you vs the Double Impacts, perhaps Eric can swap out your order?

I cannot see how you can go wrong with the Triode 2A3 amp. Triode is well regarded, not only in this thread, but to reaches far far beyond. 

And you may be surprised at how well your current preamp functions in the chain.

Many of us have been moving new equipment in to optimize our listening experiences and preferences since purchasing the Double Impacts. If a component isn't a good fit, it is far from the end of the world. In fact, I'd say that the beautiful part of the journey is just beginning for you!

I'd wait until you've had some time with the Electrons and then make a much more informed choice.
Charles, Kdude,David_ten

First and foremost, thank you all for your kind words and your sincere efforts in helping me to figure out which direction is the most logical step forward for me.

My musical taste does not include large orchestra. The closest I come to that I think is Loreena McKennitt, who I adore. In case you are not familiar with her group, it contains piano, harp, electric violin, cello, standard percussion, something like bongos, and a few middle eastern instruments that I have no clue what they are but they look while performing like something an organ grinder does. Along with that Peter Gabriel Genesis, Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, some Led Zeppelin, but I would venture a guess, not real loud.

How do you guys know what kind of decibel peaks and volumes are being achieved? Do you use some volume meter that I never bumped into. Right now I wouldn't know an 80db from an 87db if it hit me in the head. But seriously, you get the idea of what style I listen to.

Kdude, You hit the nail on the head, "that this pairing might work o.k. for you." At this point I don't feel I can buy the amp without some kind of fail safe in place. 

Charles, I would feel a heck of a lot better with 8 watts as your excellent system offers too. In fact that would be a no brainer for me at this junction.

David, Thanks for the kind thoughts, but to be completely candid, I haven't been excited as of yet at all with so much going on right now, plus the uncertainty of my amp issue.

It's funny because it's been over 2 days since I ordered them, and I received nothing. No receipt, no work order, no acknowledgement, nada. However, I know how busy Tekton is so that's really a none issue. I just find it amusing.

Dear all,

Every time I say to myself, "enough already."  I'm happy with my sound. I find it impossible to understand the fine points of amplifier design.. I'm ready to retire from the dialogue. Some of you post observations that encourage me to jump back in again.  Our fascination with 'absolute sound'  (pace H.P.) is so subjective that any observation has to begin with a bit of personal information so that all of you can take my observations with a touch of cynicsm: So here goes: 

 I believe I own the eleventh and twelvth productons of the Brilliance speakers.   I believe (from sources at the highest level ..as we say)  that my speakers enjoy some ot the higher end components of the PMD design, though that option didn't exist when I placed my order. 

My source materials  for critical listening are mostly lp's and sacd's, of symphonies, chamber music, and solo performances of piano, violin, trumpet, pipe organ, and the like.  I also love the human voice. In this area I'll listen to a rotten recording of a wonderful voice over a perfectly recorded mediocraty.

Because I have access to the audiogolgy department of the University of Utah I recently discovered that, despite my 77 years, I still hear 15,000 hz clearly, but I have a to slightly below normal at about 5,000 hz. 

My cartridge is a moving magnet high level  Sound-Smith. My amplifier (First Watt) puts out a clean 10 watts per channel of class A power. My pre-amp is an acive  buffer stage  coupled to a passive volume control regulated by Vishay resistors (Placette), whatever that means.

My listening room is 25 feet in length and 15 feet in width with a cathedral ceiling and a small circular rug in the center of this area. The room is relatively lively but not overly so.

With that as background, I'm happy to say that my system puts out extremely clear sound which is louder than I can bear in the loudest,  most compex of passages.  (The Great Gate of Kiev, the 1812 overture, Bach's Toccata and Fugue in d, and the like).

I put all this information out, not necessarily to brag), but to plead the case of low wattage and very clear, class A  solid state amplification.  (I used to have a relatively primative unmodified Dynakit and found that the sound did not sound natural). 

But SO MUCH OF OUR QUEST FOR ABSOLUTE SOUND DEPENDS ON THE QUALITY OF THE SOURCE MATERIAL. Nothing is worse than a badly recorded lp and nothing better than the highest qualty record. Regular cd's range from mediocre to pretty good, but there's a certain point below which they do not sink.   I like them when I'm lazy or when the performance warrants .

As you discuss the relative merits of amplifiers, I'd appreciate hearing, as some have done, of  the context in which YOU listen.   Perhaps, down the line, a gathering of Tekton Design fans  here in Utah might be nice We could combine it with a live concert by our ample resorces for live music here in Happy Valley.

Mazikrav (a.k.a. Fred) 

Quick spelling corrections: 'mediocrity', audiology,' and 'source

Sorry, Audiogoners. Forgive a 77 year old fumblefingers.  BTW, I'd be interested in knowing if there are many other senior citizens on this mad chain?

I've been in this hobby for about 35 yrs and I have mostly listened to analog and playing digital as a convenience since 1982 when digital first started but over the last 6yrs or so I've been more focused with digital playback.Since we all know that digital can be hit or miss in quality and some of your favorite music maybe some of the worst recordings,I've been focused on preamp and amp pairings that give me the sonic qualities I desire along with helping those bad recordings sound much better and then my best recordings also sound even better than I have ever heard them.

I really like the pairing of my MZ2 preamp with the Zotl40 or my Diy first watt Sit2,They both produce 40watts into 4 ohms,It's like having 2 different flavors.

I listen mainly to Acoustic and vocal jazz,classic rock,classical piano and the occasional symphony orchestra,mainly as a system test.

And Offcourse finding a dac that you like is going to help the overall sound as well.

I think I have found the "Holy Grail" in components for me that have great synergy and I will be happy with them for quite awhile.
