Replacement for NAD 7175PE receiver? (NAD 165BEE + NAD C427 + ARC D130?)

My dear old NAD 7175PE receiver is giving me fits with static in the volume and tone controls.  After almost 30 years, I think it's earned its retirement.  So, what now?  This is for my 2nd system that has my TV, Oppo Blu-ray, various VHS and cassette devices;  speakers are Vandersteen 1b and Hifiman 560 headphones (on a Schiit Lyr 2).

I wanted to re-buy this receiver!  I can't find anything like it.  I don't want a home theater solution, and I don't want to connect more speakers, and I don't have digital devices (except a Sonos).  I would like FM, though.

I'm thinking of getting the NAD 165BEE preamp + NAD C427 tuner, and using my old Audio Research D130 power amp to drive the Vandersteens.  What do you think?

Reviews seem to be positive for the NAD preamp.  Specs on the NAD tuner make we wonder whether it's as good as the one in the receiver, though.  I thought about an NAD C275BEE power amp, but I have this ARC amp already -- which do you think is better?

Thanks in advance!

Scratchy volume and tone controls is usually just dirt/oxidation in the pots.  A quick cleaning with De-OXIT will usually resolve the issue. Just do a google search for "cleaning volume pots" and you'll find plenty of information on the subject.

If you like your receiver, you probably don't need to replace it. It may just need a little service.....
agree with reubent,  use Deoxit on all controls, I'd probably replace the main electrolytics and put it back in service. 
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