Warm, rich sounding interconnects?

My system is in flux at the moment with a Wadia Intuition 01 as preamp/amp/DAC bookshelf Tyler speakers and (horror of horrors) an iPhone with an Auris bluetooth connection for the current audio source. Since bluetooth at best sounds somewhat thin and tilted up on higher frequencies, it doesn’t play necessarily well with the Wadia which is great sounding overall but also can be on the revealing side.

I know I should get a better source - but even so I’ll always want the option of wireless in various situations. I’ve owned Purist Audio Museaus’s (rev-c’s) in the past, which would be perfect, but sadly sold them on A-gon some time ago. Those are hard to find and the newer Purist cables are brighter sounding.

So in a nutshell I’m looking for interconnects which will deepen and darken the sound for my current setup - and new/used for under $400. Any ideas?
I myself have fond MG Audio Design interconnects a great choice for the money.  I firsr learned about the thru comments made by Arnie Nudell in his review of an modified Oppo 105.  I tried them out and loved them.  I still cannot afford their one meter top of the line interconnects which go for $100 for a one meter pair.  But fortunatlu for me they srll half meter pairs for 900.  I later learned that Arnie's good friend Pat McGowan also uses MG Audio Design wires for his own system.  I have also read that a group of members from the Colorsdo Audio Society preferred them to the top of the line Nordhost interconnects during  demonstration.  I myself can not compare them to the big named competition, but I do think that they deserve looking into.  Do not judge them by their price.  And their mid level interconnects, at $1100 for a one meter pair is a truly best buy.
Some do report that, say, Mogami balanced cables perform very well in some systems. I think they are $100 1m pair or so.
My experience is limited but my hearing is good enough.
Actually, you can get the Mogami Gold Studio balanced 6’ cable (which comes terminated with a Neutrik XLR) for about $45/pr at Guitar Center.
Monsignor, I would keep in mind that most or all of the multitude of cable suggestions that have been made are based on experiences with systems that are much more accurate and musically resolving than the results you’ve indicated your setup is providing. And the results you’ve described are not surprising, given that the most expensive Auris product I see listed sells for $169, while providing DAC as well as Bluetooth functionality.

So my feeling is that the intrinsic differences between the cables that have been suggested will be swamped by the inaccuracies of the Auris device, and will not be perceivable in your setup. Also, I see that the $169 bluMe device, which I suspect is what you are using, has a particularly low output impedance (57 ohms), which will also work in the direction of reducing sensitivity to cable differences. Especially in comparison with the tube-based products that I suspect are used by many of the others who have posted.

Also, I see that the bluMe provides an optical S/PDIF output as well as unbalanced analog outputs. If that device is what you are using, it may be worthwhile trying a digital connection to the Wadia, rather than the analog connections you seem to be referring to.

In any event, good luck as you proceed. Regards,
-- Al

rotarius, my higher education was slightly different from school and supported with my personal desire to learn certain things i wanted and i needed to know. once i've established myself as professional in my sophomore years, i dropped from college too.