Amplification question - PrimaLuna Tubes vs. McIntosh Solid State

Hello all,

First post here, was looking for a little help on my new system set-up.

My sources for music will be fully digital using Roon to manage those assets. I have a PS Audio DirectStream DAC with Bridge II network card which will also be acting as the preamp. Speakers are Monitor Audio Platinum PL100 studio monitors with a REL Storm subwoofer.

I have never owned a tube system. My previous system was also a fully digital source music set-up (CDs) with Martin-Logan reQuest speakers, REL subwoofer, and Classe CA-300 amp. I have had to downsize those components due to physical space restrictions.

I honed down my purchase choices to either a PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP tube amplifier, or a McIntosh MC152 solid state amplifier. These are the only two models I am willing to consider at this time to keep things focused on this discussion thread. Links are:

This system will be going into my office, and will be run pretty much 8 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. As far as the type of material I listen to, it is a very eclectic mix of rock, classical, jazz, pop, etc. Very often I get to crank the system up to seriously fun levels when I am doing graphic design, Photoshop, and other creative tasks.

I would love some feedback from the community here on which choice, tube or amp, they would put into this system. Also, what kind of service life and realistic maintenance would be required with the PrimaLuna tubes being my first tube component if I go in that direction.

Thank you in advance for your help!



Between the two, I would go with the McIntosh, especially for your application.
If non critical listening and on for many hours would favor the McIntosh. If the scenario were serious 2 channel music listening I’d choose the Prima Luma.
To be fare, McIntosh is a statement, but not to many people not into to hifi audio. ( Mindfull I own several McIntosh pieces) now tubes on the other hand, they are beautiful and sound is great, but find lacking in some of the highs depending on the circuts. ( Mind you I own several tube amps and preamps, tubes are my love) all this being said, I know you said not interested in other gear, Why not a MC275? Best of both worlds. I have 2 MC275s running mono and love them, will never part with them, ever! The primaluna gear is quite good, nice sound and tube hardy easy to use with auto bias. But it's no McIntosh. 
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