Power cables and sharp dimensional imaging on a budget, Zu Audio and Furutech or Oyaide

Hi, I would like to create a sound that is highly realistic in the sense of 3d imaging and proportion, but on a budget. Unfortunately I cannot spend the amount of money it requires to buy a Purist Audio Design cable yet to reach that level of refinement.

I am searching for what @bo1972 has mentioned in earlier discussions:

• 3-Dimensional soundstage with proportional imaging (not oversized)
• A sharp individual focus of instruments and voices;
• Blacks;
• Resolution;
• Deep bass;
• Air;
• Articulation of voices

Right now I have a Silverline Clearer Audio powercord, but still feel some things are missing.

I have tried the Zu Event powercables MKI and like their technology for stereophonic realism.

Would an Oyaide F1 IEC help in this respect compared to a Furutech FI28 G or R?

Are gold or rhodium plugs better for 3d and sharp proportional imaging?

@richardhk - I’ve reviewed most of the cables in the KLE Innovations product line - except the power cables.

Here are two reviews

Their other cables are superb performers that will get you very close to the "dimensional hologram" you talk of, but only their top of the line cables will perform to you expectations.

If you are into DIY then take a look at http://image99.net/blog/index.html

The helix cables detailed there are the best I’ve ever designed and built and if you follow the instructions to the letter they will melt away the walls of your listening space.- they are exceptional performers, but they require 200+ hours burn-in

The Helix speaker cables will reap the most rewards of the three, so I’d start there, but having all threecable types in a system really brings it to life

Also, How does the system you heard compare to your own...
- were they using the same/similar components or type of components?
- what cables did they use?
- did they use monitor/bookshelf style speakers?
- what was the room like compared to your own
- Are you comparing apples to apples here?

Having said that, your room does present a challenge so your goal may not be 100% attainable.

As an example - my system sounded good in my previous house where the room was 12 x 15 x 8, but the new listening room is so much better - the speakers are now 8 ft from the wall behind them and there is 20ft of space behind the listening position - so I now get superb holographic imaging.

As it stands there are too many questions to provide any type of useful feedback

Cables are only a part of the equation, but they are a very important part


+1 whoopycat.  But agree with others that upstream electonics are also critical.  If I'm you, the first thing I'd do if you haven't already done so is to experiment with speaker placement.  It's free and can have a huge impact on things like 3D imaging and depth as well as helping speakers disappear as a sound source.  Pull speakers out until they're 3, 4, 5, and even 6 feet into the room and also experiment with toe-in at each position, and I'd think you'll start to see a more 3D soundstage -- again assuming you haven't already done so. 

Past that, some speakers just do better at 3D imaging than others, period.  Here are some brands I've found to excel at this in the event you can go hear some or, even better, borrow them from a dealer to audition in your own system. 

Joseph Audio
Reference 3A
Audio Physic

I don't think cables are going to help too much in your current system with what you're looking for, but getting speakers that have exceptional 3D imaging as part of their DNA would be the best first step toward achieving what you're looking for IMHO.  Best of luck. 

Thanks guys for responding.

I recently installed my new Zu Event Power Cable with a Furutech Gold UK plug, because I live in Hong Kong.

I feel it allows for more depth and air around vocals and instruments, but also more detailed, because the noise floor is lower and blacker.

So I get one more step ahead at the 3d hologram image I am looking for. I am still thinking of getting the Oyaide F1 plug if that would help.

I am also thinking of investing in another XLR cable, that would allow for better imaging and focus.

Could anyone give their thoughts about the cables for Audioquest and Anti-Cable (with Xhadow Precision plugs)?

Or how about islolation with Stillpoints at the sources?
Cables will yield nothing but the placebo effect, especially with your current amp and speakers, no offense. It seems to me like you’re focusing on all the gimmicky tweak stuff.

The only way to achieve the sound you describe is with good speakers, good speaker placement, a good source, and an extremely good SS amp or good tube amp. You’d probably be best served by replacing your Rotel with a decent integrated tube amp, or replacing the B&Ws with KEF LS50s or similar.

Go back to that Hi-Fi store where you heard that magical system and note what gear they were using, then start saving your coins.
I actually heard these speakers (that I have now) together with the same amp doing a terrific job of the kind of imaging I am talking about. The differences being all other things (room, cables and so on).

I heard the KEF LS50’s and they did not impress me and were not my taste, I have heard them many times to confirm this.

Also, the effect your talking about, you can have your own opinion, but I clearly heard a difference replacing and using the Zu Event power cable, and isolating my system. In addition, the Curious USB link seems the best value in the market for a computer based system.

So, I don’t agree. And yes, I do believe in cables and isolation, because they have made a very clear difference.

I hope I can get some insights on:

Could anyone give their thoughts about the cables for Audioquest and Anti-Cable (with Xhadow Precision plugs)?

Or how about islolation with Stillpoints at the sources?