What's been your turntable ownership over the years?

Dual 1225
B&O RX with MMC5 cartridge
Denon DP-59L 
Rega Planar 3
Kenwood KD5070
Harman Kardon T45
Thorens TD-125 mk II w/Rega RB303 arm
Thorens TD125
SOTA Star Sapphire III with vacuum
Nottingham Analog Hyperspace
Technics SP10 Mk2
Denon DP80
Lenco L75
Kenwood L07D
Technics SP10 Mk3
Victor TT101

This is very rough chronological order since 1970.  The last 5 on the list are still in my possession, up and running.  None of them is bone stock (especially my very highly modified Lenco) in terms of plinths or accessories.  Lenco, Victor, Kenwood, and Mk3 in play most often.

As you might guess, until the turn of this century, I was pretty faithful to one turntable or another for long periods of time.  The internet has ruined me.

Main system
1980-1990 Ariston RD40
1993-2002 Oracle Delphi mk3
2002-present Nakamichi TX-1000 (highly tweaked up)
2017- present Techdas Air Force 3

2nd System from 2002- present
Sota Sapphire
VPI HW mk3
VPI HW mk4
Oracle Delphi mk5
Denon DP75
Technics SP10mk2
Technics SL1200mk5 (upgraded to the nth degree)
Denon DP80
Thorens TD124 (fully restored)
TW-Acustic Raven one
Garrard 301

The last 6 turntables listed above are still in my second system. The Garrard 301 waiting to be properly restored. Many other tables not listed here have come and gone in my second system and forgotten. Have many arms and cartridges to play with.

In chronological order:

1971-75 AR XA*
75-77 Philips GA212
77-82 Connoisseur BD-1 with Grace G707 tonearm*
82-present Dual CS5000*
2015 Pro-Ject Carbon DC

current (* still own an AR XA and BD-1/707 as well as the CS5000)
Vinyl Nirvana-modified Thorens TD160 Super reproduction with SME M2-9 tonearm
Technics SL1200 MKII with SME Type 2 Improved tonearm
Dual 1219 rebuilt by FixMyDual
Thorens TD160 Super with SME M2-9 tonearm
Dual 505-2
Technics SL-220
Thorens TD190


Pioneer belt drive with shure m91ed
Technics sl11
Started reading stereophile
Thorens td166 dynavector cartridge
AR turntable
Linn lp12
VPI prime scout (wow) with koetsu cartridge