Tube Preamp Recommendations?

Hello, I'm a newbie to this forum.  I'm on the hunt for a new tube pre-amp.  I think.  It is replacing an aging PSE Hybrid Line Stage 1 preamp.  Several of the RCA outputs on the PSE don't work, the power button is finicky, and it is all original, ostensibly in need of major overhaul.  Labels on capacitors and other parts have fallen off, etc.  I love the slightly warm (to my ear) holographic sound of the PSE.  I would like to upgrade the SQ.  I find bright, high resolution sound like that of my KEF X300A computer desktop speakers very fatiguing after a short period of time.  

My system consists of an Auralic Aries Mini with SBooster power supply > Kimber Kable PBJ RCA interconnects> PSE HL1 > Kimber Kable Hero RCA interconnect > N.E.W. A-20 amp > Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker wire > ProAc Response Two S speakers mounted on very beefy steel stands.  I stream a lot of Tidal on the Aires' Lighting DS app.

My short list of possible replacements are AR SP6, AR SP8, CJ PV10 and Quicksilver Full Function.  Two other options are AI Modulus 3A and ModWright LS 100 (if i can find a good deal on one--it's a stretch for my budget), but I'm afraid these two might be too neutral or bright for my ear.  I'd appreciate any recommendations.  Overhauling the PSE preamp is a possibility, but one audio professional i trust told me i can really improve SQ over the PSE.

Thanks for any tips or advice!
G'day Robert,

If you are lucky enough to find a Vincent SA-T8 then this will give you what you are after. Massive step up over an AR SP-6 & AI L3. Fully balanced all tube design, has massive soundstage depth & width & oozes musicality in spades. Just has that "just right" midrange "warmth" and has none of the dry, etched, overly analytical presentation that plagues many Pre-Amps, which you are trying to avoid.

Replace the "crap" stock tubes with Psvane's and you will have a Pre that competes with or betters many Pre's costing multiples of it's cost.

Hope you can find one.
A couple of years ago I had a YS audio experience symphonies preamp. I retubed it with Sylvania 5751 triple mica black plate and was amazed at how it sounded. It had a fast, neutral, clean sound with just the right amount of tube warmth. Check the forums, it has been favorably compared to more expensive gear, including ARC. Price for the basic plus model is $633 plus shipping. 

Man what a tough crowd. The SP6B is too rolled off, is smeared and doesn’t image all that well. You must like some crispy sound. I would venture that it is not a function of the Pre, but rather the speakers being employed. The Arc sound and my SP6B experience was almost the diametric opposite. The ARC reminded me more of solid  and very detailed, state not a warm, romantic piece, with midrange bloom, you are describing.  You could try Telefunken 12AX7s, and see if that firms thing up a bit.  For me it didn't matter.

I don’t really use my SP6B that much because it was too sterile, went to a 6SN7 based amp. Mapletree and Atmasphere make this kind of pre, but they aren’t going to yield you more detail.

I owned the PSE HL-1 for many years and could not find a preamp I liked better until I discovered the Aesthetic Calypso. Unfortunately, even used it's over your budget. You might want to touch base with John Rutan at Audio Connection to see what he thinks. John sold me both the PSE and the Calypso and also carries ARC and AI. He might have some good suggestions for you. By the way, have you looked into having the PSE repaired? Just a thought. Good Luck!