recommendations for amplifiers that don't emit tons of heat

I tried a Krell ksa 150 and while I liked the sound, it was like having a space heater in the room. I now have an Audio research vt100. It sounds fantastic, but it makes the room hot as well. Not as bad as the Krell, but it's still a drag in the summer.

I'm guessing I should just suck it up, but I'm curious what cooler running options there are that sound as good (or better)... suggestions?
My McCormacks' get pretty darn hot during the blossoming buzz,
 had them cranked for about 2 hours, at must yell to hear guy next to you, as we were in the backyard, and the speakers pointed towards open windows.
 They performed magically, the new capacitors are not even fully broken yet...... as told by Dan Babineau. 
Very happy with these.
The warmup is a bit long, but once zero'd in, its just stunning, its like a laser beam of sound just directly hits you and is perfect !

will never part with them.

600W@8 / 1000W@4
all the power i will ever need.
Look at Nuforce Reference 18 monos used or some of their new stuff under Nuprime in that price range
tripg- you read into the analogy correctly. We have an A'gon comrade with Anthem I225 Integrated amp. It's rated at 225 watts into 8 ohm/310 into 4ohm. He's running Paradigm Studio 100 v3. The speakers do not flinch or suffer any driver compression. He works the amp hard and it does not get hot. And its not sluggish. These are in your pricepoint - new with warranty. Now, are their more transparent amps out their? Of course.

Ayre also makes some great 5 series amps. 150 watts into 8 ohms. They should run around $2250 - $2600 used. Very transparent. 
Regarding larger amplifiers my Son of Ampzilla mk2
Is very fast. The late great James Borngiano was a great designer.
This amp has a Huge 2,000va transformer for control and I believe 12 bipolor
Transistors per channel and over 100k in capacitance.  And grounding eliminates ground loops in this amp low level detail is very good also.
The matching preamp is very good also ,but I have a custom Lundahl transformer based 4P1L - DHT preamplifier Which being single ended really pulls the music out. TIP OF THE DAY - Buy Stabilant22  to put on all Audio connections just one mating side very thin coat,first clear everything with Isopropyl Alcohol 99%
If possible.lasts for years and by far the most technologically advanced on the market . If it's good enough for NASA,then I am good with it also. I use on tube pins and everything else give it a solid 30 minutes to dry, great stuff !!