AR highend equipment by Cello

I remember ads for AR equipment designed by Cello back in the late eighties or early nineties. Was this equipment ever built and sold?

I was just researching the AR Limited Model 3 and ran across this thread. I know it's old, but if anyone reads it or cares, it is interesting that I have a whole "kit" w/plans version of these that were AR stock bought out when AR aborted that hi-end endeavor. I have no case work but do have the 4-Dyn D76's, 2-Dyn D260's, 2- proprietary AR 12" woofs & the original genuine crossovers.. large things of beauty! Have full plans with large plastic to scale stencil type affairs to aid in the build. It is all brand new and been tucked away since I bought it all from "Mluong" on e-bay in '06. I'm quite happy with the Innersound stats I use, but have been debating building them (I am a cabinetmaker) or perhaps try to sell kit, or perhaps part out? I really don't know what this stuff may be worth. Any thoughts by anyone? Thanks, Rob
Cello chose a very odd reference design for the Amati in the AR LST. I've never heard the Amati, but I did listen extensively to the LST back in the heyday of AR, KLH, EPI and Advent. Gee, what a dismal-sounding speaker. It wasn't just bad - it was really bad, a landmark of badness. Diffuse, blurry, veiled - how much more can one stand? The AR-3A, using fewer of the same drivers, sounded clearer, and even it was woefully out of date by the time the KLHs and Advents rolled along. I think the LST suffered from destructive interference from all those tweeters, being almost Bose-like at least in the forward hemisphere of radiation. That autotransformer may not have been very good either. That ML "designed" the crossover of the Amati hardly adds any hope that it might be better.
Hello, I know I'm late to the party, But I own a pair of AR Limited 3's. Is there a way to private message on this site? I would like to contact
 rob755 to talk to him about the spares he has for the Limited 3's.
That being said I love the sound of the limited 3, I also have the ar 9's in comparison I would say the 9's have better bass,but the L3;s have better mids and highs and overall a smother balance. They are also moor acceptable by my wife to put in our living room.  

The AR9 was one of my favorite speakers of all time.  You needed muscle to make them sing.  A friend had two Phase Linear Dual-500's bi-amping them.  I could find no fault in them whatsoever.

Given the right electronics, nothing back then could touch them. 


The early Cello Amati speakers utilized AR drivers.  I never heard them, but I've been told that they were not very good.  Later, Cello switched to Dynaudio drivers (produced to Cello's specifications).  These speakers were in fact very good, but also power hungry!