wlutke, You do have many good choices in front of you. I suggest actually listening to a couple in your system before buying. Some of the amps I mentioned can be tried in your home and kepted or returned. Nice option for sure.
The Lyngdorf is one choice that would bring many changes including selling your preamp, cabling etc... So it would require more changes and may not be the most attractive option to you? I shared several others based on my actual experience with them. All great options also.
Your speakers are fantastic and there is a great big world out there of options. Enjoy the process and your music!
The Lyngdorf is one choice that would bring many changes including selling your preamp, cabling etc... So it would require more changes and may not be the most attractive option to you? I shared several others based on my actual experience with them. All great options also.
Your speakers are fantastic and there is a great big world out there of options. Enjoy the process and your music!