Amp for Acoustic Zen Crescendo 2 ?

Hello all,
I have these speakers for 2 months now and want to move on to a tube amp of 50 - 60 wpc or so, or a SS amp that fits the bill..  My current amp is an Ayre V-5xe.  I'm looking for an amp to sweeten up the top end and has a midrange that does vocals full and articulate, even if that means colored.  The Ayre is a great amp but I think there is a better match out there.  I'll have to save up for used, under $5K.  I'm especially interested with what actual owners would say, as well as their system specifics, but all comments welcome.  Acoustics and speaker placement are fixed and substandard.  That's just the way it goes at our house.
I'm using a steel arm VPI TT with Ortofon Cadenza Bronze, ARC PH-7 and REF 3.  Thanks.

wlutke,  You do have many good choices in front of you.  I suggest actually listening to a couple in your system before buying. Some of the amps I mentioned can be tried in your home and kepted or returned. Nice option for sure.

The Lyngdorf is one choice that would bring many changes including selling your preamp, cabling etc... So it would require more changes and may not be the most attractive option to you? I shared several others based on my actual experience with them.  All great options also. 

Your speakers are fantastic and there is a great big world out there of options.  Enjoy the process and your music! 
Hello Bill,
I don’t believe that I’m missing any particular point of yours. You are excited about what is new,different and innovative and you reference the Lyngdorf as an example. This makes perfect sense to me as you have actual experience with it (ownership) and most importantly you’re very happy with it. I thought I was pretty clear in that acknowledgement.

I mentioned the Deviaolet as an example of listening disappointment after all the praise it received for innovation and performance. As I wrote above, the Lyngdorf may/could be a better (perhaps much better) audio product  than the Deviaolet. Frankly I believe that both of us have been clear and straightforward in our postings on this thread. We both have recognized and have written that wlutke has excellent options from which to choose.

I would say that any number of the amplifiers mentioned thus  far would mate well with his Crescendos and this certainly includes the Lyngdorf and its one box solution . Wlutke expressed an interest in the Line Magnetic and I can understand why. You, I and others are just offering what we feel are worthy suggestions to a fellow audiogon member. As both of us often recommend, listen/audition when ever the oppression presents itself.

Did you purchase an amp as yet? If you should decide to buy SS, then I saw this set of amps that are just spectacular. They offer the type of sound and improvements you mentioned in your first post. They would be a great pairing with your speakers.  Monoblocks, but with a smaller foot print. 

Understand if you want a tube amp as they are also wonderful. Just another option should you need it. 

Electrocompaniet amps are very musical, tube like, SS amps.  I do not know the seller at all as an FYI.  

Model AW180. US Audio Mart 

Thanks for the heads up.  I'm still saving up.  I probably wouldn't go for that pair anyway.  One looks like it was dropped in a parking lot!