Dear @yogiboy : Curious that you linked stethoscopes because is an " audio " item that any audiophile must owns, good audio tool.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Tonearm microphonics
rauliruegasBtw, @cleeds : do you tested it? not yet?I tested my pickup arm for microphonics before I purchased it. Limiting microphonics is a critical function of a good pickup arm. |
@rauliruegas I think you have a misunderstood about because that’s not the issue and not what the op asks.In this case you are wrong; I merely cut to the quick of it. It does not matter what the arm sounds like when it is at rest. It matters quite a lot what is sounds like when playing. The OP was careful to mention that his arm was at rest. Hence my response. |