Tonearm microphonics

When I have the volume at my normal level & tap the arm (not whilst playing vinyl) it is slightly amplified... Is it possible to significantly reduce/eliminate this?

Current set up - Roksan Xerxes 20plus, Origin Live Encounter tonearm (thin cork ring at the base) with Lyra Skala.

Apologies if this is a stupid question!
That’s the reason I mentioned it. It is a great tool to use. The OP thought I was fooling with him!
rauliruegasBtw, @cleeds : do you tested it? not yet?
I tested my pickup arm for microphonics before I purchased it. Limiting microphonics is a critical function of a good pickup arm.
I think you have a misunderstood about because that’s not the issue and not what the op asks.
In this case you are wrong; I merely cut to the quick of it. It does not matter what the arm sounds like when it is at rest. It matters quite a lot what is sounds like when playing. The OP was careful to mention that his arm was at rest. Hence my response.
Would not an arm unusually microphonic while at rest also be so while at play?
Wasn't there a reviewer many years ago who wrote cartridge reviews based on the sound he heard when tapping on the tonearm resting on a platter?