Help with a new Tube headphone amp blowing fuses

Received a new headphone amp this week to replace one from same manufacturer that is still serving me well but wanted to try a little more power, new amp 1.4 watts versus a .35 watt on the older one. Have about 25 hours on new amp and turned it on this morn loaded CD and after about a minute the music was replaced with an elevated fuzzy noise right before fuse blew, replaced fuse and it blew a second or two after turning unit on, saw nothing unusual going on with the tube glow, replaced New amp with the older amp in system and all is well. What are the possibilities of fault here, would like to handle myself without having to send back to Japan for warranty work.
Let me know if you are interested, tooblue and we can figure something out. Although I'm sure there are some repair guys nearer you.
Schubert, it's hard to be humble when your perfect in every way. raindance, thank you for your very kind offer wish you were close but am trying to keep from shipping. Love Yamamoto products have the two headphone amps and his 45 tube stereo amp and never had an issue till now and the language barrier is playing out a little. By the way I am a big Guess Who fan and love the song raindance.
Hey shubert,

C'mon down to Texas and learn some manners. Even you might be redeemable, but no guarantees.

Just don’t burn any American flags while you are here.

tooblue - I am a Camel fan, so the moniker is related to their album Raindances...
Raindances is one of their better albums.

@tooblue , what happens if you replace the power tubes? Does it still blow the fuse?