Schitt Freya or older pre instead


Got the itch. Currently running an Adcom GFP 555. It does its job, but nothing great. Thinking of getting something better without spending too much money. The Schitt Freya looks very interesting. Lots of options and has a remote. Reviews tend to range from "it is great!" to "tends to be a little bright" and "nothing but a $400 preamp with a weak power supply and a tube buffer stage". The old B& Pro 10 or Sonata 101 looks to still be good buys (?). Adcom GFP 750 (?) Any thoughts for a preamp for around 800.00 or under?. Amp = Classe DR 10 with Spendor speakers. Tried a CJ PFR but thought way too much gain and a bit bright (not what I expected from CJ). Thanks
rich3549 - Seems to me you will get a pretty well-rounded picture of the Freya reading the posts from kdude66, stfoth, and georgehifi.

The unit (mainly the remote) has some quirks; e.g., switching inputs briefly triggers mute but there is a definite click or slight pop when the next input is engaged (whether it’s actively carrying signal or not). That and the low level warbling when mute is engaged long term were the "noisy" aspects of the design I encountered.  I did return a couple of tubes to Schiit for exchange due to noisiness...but counted that as an issue with the tubes not the Freya design.  Things were okay with the replacement tubes installed, though maybe not as quiet as in passive mode...don't recall.  Tube gain IS a lot higher than with passive or JFET.  Also, using the remote, you can only go forward changing input or output selection. There’s no "reverse". Sequential changes to output mode using the remote will eventually hit the tube stage which because of its much higher gain can result in some loud and startling blasts of sound, unless you remembered to lower the volume first.

Like stfoth wrote, the tube mode did nothing for me either but I was really looking to get away from tubes so not a problem. In fact, I was initially a bit put off by the fact it had tubes at all! Ultimately, my buy decision was on the strength of it being a balanced design, offered passive options, could be used without tubes and had a good volume control. Can’t deny the price was a big attractor too (as well as the return option if it really stunk).  Ultimately, it has worked out for me (but maybe I have low standards!  :-)

If I wanted to upgrade from the tube preamp I have now (Opera Reference 50 Mk I), to another tube pre, I’d be saving my pennies for something from Aesthetix or, more affordably, maybe a deHavilland UltraVerve. In my limited auditioning of tube preamps I do think getting a design that uses tube rectification brings something good to the sound. Good luck whatever you decide.
WOW. Thank you all for taking the time to respond. I think I will hold off - for now. I do not think I can handle the Schiit's quirks. Save some more coin and check out something else that fits my needs more. 
 I do not think I can handle the Schiit’s quirks.
There are many here that have the Freya from Schiit, can’t remember anyone else saying this, could be a one off. And you can send it back anyway if you don’t like it, or these "quirks" are a common thing, and you can’t "handle" them.

Cheers George