counterfeit CDR copys of Original Jazz Classics

I am aware that this theme has been mentioned eralier on different forums, but I cant stop wondering is there something that can be done to stop such ripp off. From different sellers, on Amazon I have orderd and received brand new OJC editions, only to discover that inside is a worthless cdr copy. I guess there must be a source of suplie and somebody who stands behind  such bs.products. Can it be stopped? I came to a point that from every 5 cd's that I order I got 2 cdr copy and I have decided to stop ordering 'new' cds and even write to a seller before buying one, to check is the copy that I want the original one. Of courese that is quite time consuming and annoying.Anybody knows more about it?

Selling "copies" of recorded music is a copyright infringement, therefore, illegal.  Report the seller(s) to Amazon.
It cannot be stopped- alexatpos

As a buyer on both Amazon and eBay, I only deal w/ sellers of 99% or 100%


I don't know who you're buying from, but I buy a lot of CD's on Amazon, and it has never happened to me. Are you shopping for the cheapest price and ignoring feedback?

Some vendors on Amazon do state that the disk is a CDR, but you must read the fine print.

Arkiv Music does have licensing from classical record labels to burn and sell CDRs.
I believe that I am buying from reputable sellers, on Amazon in the Us and in the Europe, but also got on of those ’editions’ in a big ’mortar and brick’ cd shop. Again, it was new, sealed in a plastic wrap. So,it seems to me that who ever owns the rights for OJC editions now is leaking cdr copys as well. Any comments?