"One Box Solutions" - Suggestions ?

I must downsize my rig and am trying to identify a high-power, one-box solution (CD is not necessary) that has a digital coax in.

I love the idea of the McIntosh MA 5200, but at 20 inches deep (!!) it won't fit on my rack.

My speakers are Monitor Audio PL200.

Any and all suggestions welcome...!

(High WAF is a plus, but not a deal killer).
You must look into the Lyngdorf 2170. An amazing piece. Neal over at Sound Science can tell you more. We both replaced separates costing over $20,000 and like the Lyngdorf better. It has a DSD dac and SOTA room correction. Your wife will love the way it looks as much as you love the way it sounds. Will will not find a better one box system anywhere near its price.  

No need for sound panels of any kind as all the room treatment I have tried over the years is not as good as the room correction in this unit.  

You didn't specify a price limit but have a look at the Simaudio Moon ACE. At $3,500 it would seem to satisfy your requirements, multiple inputs, streaming from almost any source with a very smart remote control. My listening with a pair of NOLA Boxer S1 speakers was very impressive.
Thank you for the thoughtful replies.

Price limit would prob be 5k new or used. Dimensions, nothing deeper than 17.5 (the Mac is 22, crazy !)

Thanks again.
The NuPrime IDA-16 is an excellent "one box" solution; 200 watts, great DAC. I've had mine about four months and really enjoy it.


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