Flat vinyl records... Please chip-in to insite!

Hi I've recently unwarped to the perfect flatness records that were brutally warped under the direct sun light shining onto the end-table glass. Without direct sunlight it's not happening. Can anyone recommend the bulb that has similar qualities as sunlight that can blast heat of approximately 40...45 Celcius or 98...105F?

Well, when there’s 95+F outside, the contact temperature of surface is about 120...130F.

My oven doesn’t have that low of a setting so what I do is to get it to minimum possible (185f) and than cool it to 160 before I slide record in.

The other method I've been using is ironing via cloth.

Actually i must agree with bdp AND wart. 
I was trying to void spending 4 figures, but VinylFlat would be indeed great professional tool.