What's been your experience with the  REFERENCE 3A De Capo BE?

Interesting speaker. No crossover. I'd like to hear how they actually work in the field.

@bigshutterbug - Good point about the ease of driving this speaker with just about an amp. I used them in a moderately sized room using 2A3 tube amp (3.5 w/ch), 300b tube amp (8 w/ch), 35 w/ch solid state and 150 w/ch solid state. All of them drove the DeCapo very well IMHO. Maybe in a larger room, or with highly dynamic symphonic music, would you need more than a few watts to drive them.

The beauty of this is that you don't have to spend a ton of money for high powered amps to drive the DeCapos. 
Thanks all. I have a 30 watt Prima Luna Prologue "classic" (original) tube amp. My room size is about 12' x 15', but not entirely closed off.

Hardwood floors.

A local high-end dealer has a pair 8-months old that he took on a trade-in.

I used a Prologue II integrated on mine for a dozen years to very good affect .

Now I am using a Dialogue Premium integrated .

Pretty nice combo .

Good luck .

Is anyone using a sub-woofer with their  REFERENCE 3A De Capo BEs? (and if so which one?)