Preamp w/ a budget of $2000

Hi All, 

I'm looking to replace my NAD preamp. It is now the weak link in my system. I would like to keep the budget to 2K or less. Requirements: Pre out or sub out, MM phono section, and a remote.

Associated equipment:
Amps: Anthem MCA 20, Red Dragon M-100 monoblocks
Sources: Bluesound node 2, TV, ProJect Debut Carbon
Speaker(s): I do a lot of switching out- Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S, Gallo 3.1 reference, MMGs, Green Mountain Audio Continuum I, DIY Nola Brio Trio Clones
Subs: Paradigm Monitor Sub 12" x2, REL T-7 x 2
Cables: Anticable IC's throughout, Anticable Speaker wire, Audio Magic Speaker cable

I am a detail freak and tend to like my sound towards the more clinical side of things. Of course imaging, soundstage depth/width, and image focus are important. I listen to a lot of Jazz and recently a fair bit of electronic as well. 

Any and all advice or direction would be appreciated. 

Best- Ben

I am a Jazz hound myself and love all of the inner, intricate,  detail that makes that music so special.
Excellent suggestions from the panel. I will second Conrad Johnson, Classic 2SE or ET-3. You will want to buy the best pre-amp you can, as it is the heart, of any system.

Happy Listening!
Jolida Fusion Preamp is very musical. Lots of gain. Will definitely wake your system up. For 2K you could get one with some upgrades. I have the Vishnay resistor upgrade and upgraded tubes. 
If you can find one, a Bryston BP6 fits your description perfectly.  I've had mine for six years.  Straight wire with gain in spades.  Deep holographic and transparent soundstage with pinpoint imaging.  Best of luck. 

I have a Bryston BP6 too, it is what mofojo says.
Bought it on here about 5 years ago for $1200 bucks, use in bedroom system, has nice headphone amp as well.

I also have a Van Alstine Vision pre , all Class A , that sells for  $899
new without remote . Bught new last year .Can be had with superb Van Alstine phono pre for extra $329 , 299$ for remote (I don't like remotes myself.)
It sounds more musical than the BP6 and has an even better headphone amp. Drives  my Senn 650's like a champ which is not easy to do.
BP6 is a tad more quite perhaps but that's about it . AVA is best buy on market and sounds great !  Oh, and it has a built in gain-control (low, high) which is very useful to match up with an amp or speaker .

They sell everything both in kit form and preassembled.  Their top line line stage preamp, the SP14 sells for $1350 preassembled and for $960 in kit form.  Their best phono preamp sells for $895 preassembled and for $650 in kit form.

There's a used VTA SP14 selling for $800 at the US Audiomart website.