****No one would choose the noise makers. So, If Ellington is not the best, it's between the last three on the list. And it's close!****
Rok, we are all entitled to our opinions and to have favorites; but, to proclaim a "best" as a truth outside the scope of personal preference without being truly comprehensive is pointless. To omit Bejamin Britten, Richard Strauss (one of Mingus' faces), Bela Bartok, Maurice Ravel, Sergei Rachmaninov, Aaron Copland, Francis Poulenc and others while including Glass belies a limited understanding of the subject; sorry. Glad to see Gershwin on your list, 'though. Very underrated as a serious composer; perhaps due to the wonderful accessibility and tunefulness of his music.
Rok, we are all entitled to our opinions and to have favorites; but, to proclaim a "best" as a truth outside the scope of personal preference without being truly comprehensive is pointless. To omit Bejamin Britten, Richard Strauss (one of Mingus' faces), Bela Bartok, Maurice Ravel, Sergei Rachmaninov, Aaron Copland, Francis Poulenc and others while including Glass belies a limited understanding of the subject; sorry. Glad to see Gershwin on your list, 'though. Very underrated as a serious composer; perhaps due to the wonderful accessibility and tunefulness of his music.