Thinking of a new preamp and looking for advice...

So, I am currently running a BAT VK30 into a Parasound A21 to Golden Ear Triton 2 speakers.  Sources are a Sony Z1ES and a Linn LP12 to a Parasound JC3+ phono stage. Green Audioquest cables all around. Most of my listening is vinyl--lots of jazz and 70's-80's rock and female vocals. I love the sound of my system, but the BAT is very finicky about power, and I have a ground loop that I cannot find...It works fine at other locations, but has a hum in only the right channel in my listening room...It's driving me bananas!

I demoed a Sonic Frontiers LS1 and the ground loop was gone, but it didn't have the open airy sound that my BAT does.  I am looking into an Audio Research LS-27, and also a McIntosh C47.  My must haves for a new preamp are at least 2 balanced inputs and balanced outs, and a remote control.  I may like to stay with tubes, but I'm not opposed to SS either.  Price-wise my ceiling is around $4000.  I would love to here from anyone who has either of these preamps as to what they like or don't like about them.  I am also open to suggestions. 

Thanks for your input.

EAR 868 is also a pretty safe choice - very musical, great tube sound, natural, good dynamics.  If you get it without the built in phono stage, you can get it around $4k.  I work with a great EAR dealer if you have any interest, feel free message me and can connect you with him to discuss EAR preamps.


Good suggestion.  I just tried it with my iPod.  Iplugged it into a SE input and the hum was not there.  As soon as I connected another cable to the right channel, the hum came back...

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I just tried hooking up a set of RCA along side my XLR from pre to amp and it made it noticably worse :(  Thanks for the suggestion though