Room treatments


i was watching YouTube vids on "the quietest room on earth" and am wondering how I might get close without screwing up the aesthetics/functionality of my room. I made skyline diffusers (24"x24") and they definitely help. I’m going to make a giant one (48"x96") and bass traps next. Anyone have more suggestions? More diffusers? Foam panels? See my profile pic for what I currently have if you want. Suggestions are appreciated!
Foam panels are so like 80s. Especially if the foam is anything like Sonex, one of the worst things ever foisted on naive gullible audiophiles. And it seems like such a good idea, you know, with the photos of recording control rooms covered with Sonex. 
Foam panels are so like 80s. Especially if the foam is anything like Sonex, one of the worst things ever foisted on naive gullible audiophiles. And it seems like such a good idea, you know, with the photos of recording control rooms covered with Sonex.

Actually @geoffkait, foam panels can and do work. Even the well respected GIK acoustics acknowledges 4 inches foam equates to 1 inch of their fiberglass (and other materials) paneling. Moreover, many companies that sell foam panels can and do provide third party lab tests, such as

Moreover, foam can be and often is used in anechoic chambers, and can look aesthetically pleasing.
@gdhal is right. It's not that Sonex doesn't do ANYTHING. It's just relatively ineffective compared to the average panel from GIK.

I also have to say, having had a chance to hear rooms heavily treated with ASC products, GIK makes a superior product, for far less cost.


I did not mean to imply that Sonex was ineffective. Nothing like that. Nothing that good. What I meant was that it sounds terrible. Even in very small amounts. It makes the sound all phasey like and wooly, unnatural. Sonex use in recording control rooms completely covering the walls would be a sonic catastrophe, a sound apocalypse, messed up.