Sonic qualities of SET output tubes?

Can you readily identify a 300B, 2A3, 805, 211, etc., amp’s sound with your eyes closed most of the time?

If so, I’sure would like to hear from you.

Amplifier design and the technology utilized within its confines decides the ‘voice’ or influence it will yield as much or more so than merely the output tubes the designer has chosen to use.

I get that part emphatically. One must hear the amp regardless the type of output tube technology on hand.

And yes, some Pentodes and Tetrodes are used as Triodes but are not indeed triodes by their specific architecture. That’s OK, just focus on their use as Triodes herein, please.

There are however certain tube types, irrespective of vintage which have basic undeniable sonic colors or characteristics, apart from their electrical aspects which keep attracting people to amps which use this or that tube in its output stage.

Some love 211s. some adore 300Bs. Some love EL34s configured to run as Triodes. I have an affinity for the latter. So far anyway. This topic could change my mind.

Has your own experience informed you what this or that output tube’s natural flavor regularly announces itself to be so you can have a reasonable expectation of its general presentation?

What sonic attribute continually attracts you to a particular SET tube design, 300B or some others?

Or, conversely, what is it about the sound that would bring you to covet a 211 amp over a 2A3, for example.

Why as another example, would you pick a 2A3 amp over one using 805s or 300B, 211, etc. or vice versa?

Removing ‘vintages’ and electronic or electrical qualities from the argument, what sonic attributes for the more popular S.E.T. amp output tubes have you determined seem to persist in their particular DNA?

I’m asking for input from those SET tube devotees to lend their experiences and knowledge on the subject of what tube sounds like what irrespective of the SET application, generally speaking.

My goal is to try getting a better feel for which SET Tube amp design, if any, I’d want to pursue and possibly invest heavily into going forward as the soul of a new system.

Tremendous thanks to all!

The sound of the 845 is wonderful. The 300B's also sound good, not quite as good. Not a big fan of the 211. Thin sounding to my ears. The 6C33's not good for that application. The GM 70's are really forceful and full sounding as well. They all sound different to me.

My bad?

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Newbie or not  you're correct.  It has been my experience that you simply cannot categorize tubes in that manner,  sorry but there are too many variables to factor in.  Any of the output tubes mentioned can sound glorious or uninspiring depending on the design,  builder talent and implementation. People will have their particular favorites but over generalizing is inaccurate. 
@charles1dad FWIW, the Coincidents we had here at the shop were Total Eclipses- they had five drivers- two side firing woofers, two midranges and a single ribbon tweeter.

The 6C33 can sound excellent and despite bing indirectly heated can easily keep up with any DHT. It is as charles1dad says immediately above. The disadvantage with the 6C33 is that the tube eats tube sockets and there is nothing for it; the socket(s) simply have to be replaced after a time.
One minor correction to your post above. Yes I have those Total Eclipse speakers that you described however it uses the Scanspeak revelator soft  some tweeter rather than a ribbon.

The Total Victory is the speaker model that used the ribbon. Coincident  had two separate speaker lined, the Victory and the Eclipse