Conrad Johnson--does anyone use this brand anymore?

Does anyone have any opinions re Conrad Johnson Phono Pre amps?   
Versus other brands?

I currently have TEASE2---but need step up transformer for cartridge.


Re Coppy777's question if I miss that something you get with tubes- with the Pass gear, truthfully, not at all. However, if I truly do need or want a tube fix, it's not beyond my reach. I have built a couple of tubed headphone amps. 
No doubt that Pass Labs is the best solid-state gear at this juncture.
Also, CJ pre-amp(s) are sonic matches for both brands. Happy Listening!
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@normansizemore  Not disparaging cj in anyway but I had a premiere 11a for a while and did not like the amp at all. It also turned me off the 6550 tube for life. So not "everyone" loves cj. In fairness I've not auditioned any current cj gear in my own system.