Do female audiophiles exist

I've hear of UFO's , and Bigfoot, but never seen one!

I've never heard of an audiophile from the opposite sex, and never seen one either.

+1 for Terri Inman and the rest of the crew at Stereotypes. Terri knows her stuff.  Great sense of humor too.

On online poker sites I use woman avatar. Delusion very often brings advantage.

All audiophiles are not music lovers. Not in the sense of sitting down and listening to an entire CD/Album or an entire symphony. Back in the day we would have group listening sessions that would last 4-5 hours. The true music lovers (and beer lovers) would show and stay. The guys that would change their system every month, not so much. So I've always said that there are audiophile music lovers and audiophile equipment lovers. 
A couple years ago I sold some cables to a woman. We spoke on the phone for hours about audio, the "madness", and music in general. I was amazed the entire time as this was the first and ONLY time I ever had an encounter with a female audiophile.  I didn't know they existed.