Best fuses for under $50?

I need six of them for a power amp therefore I need something more economical...  say $50 or less. Any suggestions?

I bought the excellent Hifi  tuning Supreme at DAH Audio, - Black fuses for just over $50 each 
Very good  just give them 75-100 hours.
$300 might buy one a better amp, or at least tubes for one. And definitely some room acoustic treatment, or isolation footers. You know, stuff that actually provides improved sound ;-).
analogluvr330 posts08-09-2017 9:41pm I buy a package of six Bussman's for under $10. Only fools spend more!  Only bigger fools think that directionality makes a difference. Bigger fool's yet sell bags of rocks. The biggest fools of all buy them

Only the gullible get drawn into this, with expectation bias.

Cheers George   

analogluvr330 posts08-09-2017 9:41pm I buy a package of six Bussman’s for under $10. Only fools spend more! Only bigger fools think that directionality makes a difference. Bigger fool’s yet sell bags of rocks. The biggest fools of all buy them

Only the gullible get drawn into this, with expectation bias.

Cheers George

You don’t even know what expectation bias is, do you, George? Another example of backwards marching anti audiophiles trying to come up some silly reason why everyone else is marching forward. Let’s not turn yet another fuse thread into yet another flaming pile of anti audiophile diatribes and frothing personal attacks.

🚶 🚶 🚶 🚶

I buy a package of six Bussman's for under $10.
robertsong  These are all you need to buy, don't get sucked into the fuse b/s. It's started by non technical dreamers, trying to be "audio gurus".  

Cheers George