I don't know if this has been said already, but what I would do is this. I would take a more balanced approach to things. And when I say that, I mean make sure that when you are putting together your audio system, make sure that your speakers are compatable with your electronics and your front-ends. In my opinion, buying a very expensive component in one area and then cheapening out in other areas sort defeats what you set out to do. And let me clarify this even a little further. Say if you spend $2,500.00 on the speaker system, and then you spend less than say, $1,000.00 on the amplifier, what that $2,500.00 speaker system is going to do is show up the shortcomings and the flaws of that $1,000.00 amplifier, and in the end, all that is going to do is hender your enjoyment of your system. And that defeats the purpose of what you set out to do in the first place. If you are going to overspend in one area at all, then I would spend about $1,500.00 to $2,000.00 on the amplifier and mate it to the $2,500.00 speaker system. In my opinion, a $1,500.00 amplifier will prove to be a more synergistic match for a $2,500.00 speaker, hypothetically speaking. And then that would leave less than $1,000.00 for a CD Player. I say less than $1,000.00 because you still have to allow for cables too. And I think that for a $5,000.00 system, you don't plan to be using any Radio Shack specials with it, will you?? So, in summing all of this up, how would I allocate my funds??? The way I would do so is as follows:
(01). Speaker System -- $2,000.00 to $2,500.00
(02). Amplifier (and more than likely, it will probably be an integrated model as opposed to a separate preamp/power amp) -- $1,500.00
(03). CD Player -- $1,000.00 (give or take $200.00 or so)
(04). Cables -- $200.00 to $500.00
If you follow this formula, it will give you a system that will give you a foundation to build on later on when you decide to upgrade, with the speaker system and amplifier being cornerstones for your new system. The component I'll be looking to upgrade down the road would be the CD Player (and possibly, the cables).
What do you think of this idea??