Why is modern pop music today so terrible?

Pop music isn’t just terrible today. Music has generally sucked since 1980, with the exception of certain groups or artists, and the country rock movement of the 90’s. Classic rock of the 60’s & 70’s is still leading the way 50 years later.

I blame the recording companies, sinking to new levels of filling an image or copycatting another label’s overnight sensation. They just started manufacturing artists to fit the flavor of the day. Unfortunately, it seems like talent was the last box to be checked off.

The really sad part of this is that I have heard so many local and regional artists that are so much better than the those getting the promo and air time. I have been scratching my head about this for most of my adult life. Why aren’t the right people getting the breaks? Blame the record companies!
A few years ago Billy Bob Thornton claimed that there was no great rock and roll produced after 1979.   Maybe he meant by any performers who began their careers after 1979.   I listen to Casey Kasem's top 40 re-runs from the 1970s on Sirius and though there was some mediocre pop music from that era there was also some great music.   I am disappointed in most contemporary music of all popular genres but people like Randy Newman and Paul Simon are still making new and quality music.
Blame the record companies ? 
They still make intelligent wonderful music that ignorant people don't buy.

Because it's recorded, mixed, and mastered to be played on the radio or a smart phone and cheap earbuds.  It is more often than not over-EQ'd and over-compressed.  Not meant for critical listening - background noise at best.