Why is modern pop music today so terrible?

One reason could be the growth of video.I remember when I listened to songs,decades ago and didn't even know what the artists looked like.Now,it's all about video and how the performers look.So,less about the music.
I was trying to think of a quirky/ half-hearted response, but in the end, I agree with bdp24.

+2 for the post by bondmanp. If you think ALL modern pop is bad, perhaps you have not listened enough. If you look, you'll find it. Get a free Pandora membership, put in some bands you like, and get ready for some discovery.
Hell, Van Morrison has 46 albums to his credit and I'm only familiar with at best half of them, why spend precious time wading through 'pop' music in an attempt to hear something that even approaches his genius?  Yes, it may be there, somewhere, hidden in the 'pop' sound waves, but damn! It's almost like swapping gear, again and again, in search of the 'perfect' sound when all along what you really like is right there in front of you.  Yes, I'm an old man, just like the one Neil Young sings of. I feel a certain vindication of my starchy point of view when my grown children ask if I'll put some Dead, Allman Bros, or Joni Mitchell on the TT; maybe it's respect, maybe it's pandering, but in my heart I want to think it's because they truly like it, for its originality, it's vitality, or the way it speaks to them.  Oh, hell, I'm going to have one more scotch and turn up volume and listen to the Wailin Jenny's! They are new to me and I dig it!