@evolvist After speaking to Eric briefly at Tekton I was left with the impression to not discount the need for power for playing loud. I also have a large 16x20x8 room to fill.
Your review of the Raven Blackhawk and comparison to the Benchmark ABH2 caught my attention. Like the rest of us, I don't want to sacrifice too much quickness and detail in the bass region for tube magic.
Sorry if this horse has been beaten to death, but would a quality 50-100W ss amp - class A or A/B (Benchmark ABH2, Pass, Coda, ..?) with tube pre provide a better path to bass definition and midrange magic on the DI's? Did you use a tube preamp with the Benchmark for your comparison with the Blackhawk? Raven Audio is at the top of my DI amp short list again. I'm also skeptical that a sub would integrate well should I find the bass not detailed or fast enough with the Blackhawk. My guess is to just buy the Blackhawk. What little is lost in the bass, much is gained in midrange clarity and sparkle?
I need an amp to demo these Gallos and move to the DI's.
Your review of the Raven Blackhawk and comparison to the Benchmark ABH2 caught my attention. Like the rest of us, I don't want to sacrifice too much quickness and detail in the bass region for tube magic.
Sorry if this horse has been beaten to death, but would a quality 50-100W ss amp - class A or A/B (Benchmark ABH2, Pass, Coda, ..?) with tube pre provide a better path to bass definition and midrange magic on the DI's? Did you use a tube preamp with the Benchmark for your comparison with the Blackhawk? Raven Audio is at the top of my DI amp short list again. I'm also skeptical that a sub would integrate well should I find the bass not detailed or fast enough with the Blackhawk. My guess is to just buy the Blackhawk. What little is lost in the bass, much is gained in midrange clarity and sparkle?
I need an amp to demo these Gallos and move to the DI's.