How much does DAC ‘Reality’ cost in 2017?

Thru our own efforts, some trial and some errors, copious amounts of dead presidents, and the efforts of those willing to lend their experience and tutelage to us, we have constructed strong, well balanced, highly resolving and quite engaging audio playback systems.

As a routinely insatiable lot, we’ve found analog simply is not enough for us even with the onset of Reel To Reel playback currently reentering the   neighborhood of high end audio.

Well, that and the fact many are better ‘taker outers’ than we are ‘putter backers’ of the discs, , tapes and LPs we own.

So we turn to the Digital landscape and therein we’ve done our due diligence and ripped all of our CD, DVD Audio, and Blue ray content into as high resolution as the software allows. We’ve used error correction. Been meticulous in choosing the file formats we will live with indefinitely. Amassed terra Bytes of data and thoughtfully stored it in a secure redundant fashion.

We’ve found our fad file managing and playback app, and keep seeking out the latest and greatest media managing software.

We are compelled to do so. It’s the law.

We feel the need for speed!

We thirst for convenience. We’re in a hurry! Time is crucial. We just want to kick back and click our way thru our libraries.

As we rapidly click along the avenues of our data banks, we laugh at the prospect of becoming afflicted with Attention Deficit Disorder.


We’ve been patiently waiting for digital domains to catch up to analog performance levels and arguably they appear to have done at least that in recent years, and then some.

Currently, DSD, High res files, and streaming HD tunes have become commonplace or at least readily available via downloads and thru services, respectively.

DAC choices abound. No longer are we forced to ransom the first born, or the last born, depending on which is more the problem child or how attractive this prospect may be, to acquire outstanding digital playback...

Do we still find ourselves in need of the $10K, $20K or more DAC and clock arrangements to achieve sonic orgasms?

Is it possible now to plug and play new DACs into our systems for far less and get ‘goose bumps’? Are there readily achievable DAC options now that regularly put our Jaws onto our laps or the closest floor affordably?

Or must we still chase the upper ranges of MSB, EMM, Meitner, and DCS, etc., to finally put this endeavor to bed?

In essence, which DAC (s) in 2017 are undeniably capable of delivering the goods! Presence. Organics. Impact. Transparency. Detail. Resolution and all of it in a sensible well heeled fashion that places the artists in your home, or yourself at the recital venue across all the current digital formats?

What did you buy to solve the digital conversion conundrum?

Or what are you planning to buy to settle the DAC concern?

Lastly, for our dream sequence, what would you buy if you had $5K to $10K (more or less) to drop on digital conversion, not counting cabling?

Oh, yeah, and of course, for posterity, and me, (cause I’m going to need a new DAC) Why that one instead of some other?

…. Undying gratitude.
@blindjim   Well said. And thanks for your clarifications. You always make reading your threads much more than the standard thread here and elsewhere.


Too kind. Thanks.

It never hurts to be kind. It costs absolutely nothing.

I don't believe brevity is a fashionable or even useful way of life. Obviously. to that end. one might as well fully engage what is going on.and at least attempt to convey accurately what is on their minds. It may not be without errors even still, yet it seems a more personable manner of communication, … in a very very, impersonable world.

"falcon--please report what you think of the Holo here, or if more appropriate, in a separate thread, when you get it up an runnin.’ "

Per request by stfoth, I now have the Holo Audio Spring up and running for about a week now. Before I share my comments I will note that since this unit comes cordless, I also purchased 3 new Silnote Audio, Poseidon GS Reference power cables for the front end of my system recognizing the idea of cable synergy. I also purchased a Morrow Audio DIG4 Grand Reference XLR cable to allow for bypass of the built in dac on my Ayre C-5xeMP universal player. I mention this since the Spring Dac wasn’t the only recent change in my system.

So about the Holo Audio. What I find interesting and rewarding is so far this dac is everything I have read in the reviews. One thing that stood out most is that difficult pieces of music are now more well defined and don’t sound muddy or distorted as in the past. One example is the Patricia Barber release Cafe Blue, on the track, Mourning Grace, the drummer is really going at the drum kit and while this sounded good previously, now each contact with the drum heads or cymbals are individually defined. I now know that this was a bit muddy in the past. Another example would be Dante’s Prayer from Loreena McKennitt, the track opens with a choral recorded in a cathedral which always sounded a bit distorted. I owed that to the difficulty of recording in such an open space. Now the distortion is gone and the voices come through just as they should.

In reading through reviews, one of the things that many people reported was that this dac makes everything sound so real, as it was intended and I have to agree. This is clearly the best upgrade to my system I have made including a recent amp upgrade. The amp was a big step up but the Holo dac takes everything to a whole new level. I can’t wait until it’s broke in now!

For clarification my system consists of the following:
Ayre C-5xeMP
Oppo 103D
Aurender N100H
The Spring dac
Plinius Tautoro
Plinius SB301
BPT 2.5 Signature balanced power conditioner
Legacy Audio Focus 20/20's

I should also add that the Spring Dac with the N100H is absolutely wonderful. I want to let the system break in more to compare the Aurender to the Ayre through the Spring to see which sounds better. Hope this helps.

Hi Falcon,

The improvements you describe with the addition of the Holo Audio Spring DAC are compared to what other source? From reading the last paragraph of your post it appears that this is not (yet) vs your Ayre C-5xemp, so is the comparison to your Oppo player or another DAC?

Thanks for asking Dave. To clarify, my comparison of the Spring DAC's overall performance is as compared to my previous DAC. The comparison I wish to make is between the Ayre vs. Aurender (CD vs. Tidal Streaming). The Oppo has not been used thus far. The point I was attempting to make was that the sound quality seems to be as good with the Aurender/Holo Spring combination as with the Ayre/Holo Spring combo. I want to give the DAC and the new cables more time to break in however before making a final comparison. I also want to eventually A/B the Ayre alone vs. the Ayre/Holo Spring combo. I hope this help clear things up.