you will soon have (2) amps that I am considering - Odyssey and CJ.
I have spent time w/ some of the older CJ soild-state power amps, but, not the current offerings. Do not worry about the "SE" upgrade. You can accomplish this later if as you figure out which brand has the best synergy in your system. My go-to is Jack Tozzi at Spearit Sound in MA. He is well versed on CJ products old and new. A stand -up guy to be sure.
The Rogue (tubed) will match nicely to the CJ. The older models are pretty neutral to slightly warm to my ears. I like this combo (tubed pre and ss power). The key is going to get sonic matches on cabling. Again, Jack will be an excellent resource as well. Keep me posted, here or via pm, as you receive and massage this amp into your system. Excited for you!
Happy Listening!