If you have the room for Magnapans, like the 1.6s or even 3.6s, consider them at 1725 and 3500 per pair respectively. Because the sound improves as you feed them more power, you could start with an integrated amp, or good preamp and amp, with the intent of adding more power over time. You could even monoblock or biamp them as budget allows in the future.
Audition multiple CDPs (or even the new universal players) to determine if, on your selected cuts, you can hear a difference. I would avoid SACDs and HDCDs for now, unless the specific cuts you desire are already available in these formats.
The ultimate judge of the music is YOUR ear, and no one else's.
Audition multiple CDPs (or even the new universal players) to determine if, on your selected cuts, you can hear a difference. I would avoid SACDs and HDCDs for now, unless the specific cuts you desire are already available in these formats.
The ultimate judge of the music is YOUR ear, and no one else's.