How do you determine how much to spend on speakers

Hello all,

I am just starting out in this HI-FI stuff and have a pretty modest budget (prospectively about 5K) for all. Any suggestions as to how funds should be distributed. At this stage, I have no interest in any analog components. Most notably, whether or not it is favorable to splurge on speakers and settle for less expensive components and upgrade later, or set a target price range and stick to it.

My plan of attack was to purchase "A class" 7.1 electronic equipment and then to purchase a borderline high end 5.1 speaker setup. This allowed me to get equipment I won't have to upgrade for a long time, while allowing me the time to save up for the "A class" stereo speakers that I can add to my setup to complete a 7.1 system down the road. The borderline high end speakers are close enough in quality to bring out the best in my equipment without me having to sacrifice in any area while I save the cash to complete my setup.
I subscribe entirely Swampwalker's opinion:

"In other words, high end speakers driven by average electronics will NOT sound as good as good electronics driving average speakers."

I had one system where the weak-link were the speakers: they were too good!!! Superb detail and transparency showed all the limitations of the source, amplifiers and cables!
I've only found two ways of making that system play enjoyable music: Replace all the electronics and cables by much more expensive ones (5k source; 11k amps; 4k cables); or replace the "high-end" speakers by normal "hi-fi" speakers.

From my personal experience I have also found out that for most balanced systems, the largest sum of money should go for the amplifiers, and not the speakers:
1. Amplifiers
2. Speakers
3. Source and cables
Sony I agree that better electronics are more important than better speakers. The issue I would have with your statement is that the amp is more important than the source.

What is the better amp going to add back into the music that the lesser source did not get off of the LP or CD? Everything lost at the source is lost forever. The source is far and away the most important piece, but all things are important!
In my system,I spent about half my budget on speakers,about a quarter for amplification,and about a quarter for sources. I used supplied innerconnects and 16g hearter cord from the hardware store as speaker wire.

I have no quibble with those who would break it down into thirds instead of 2 to 1 to 1.

You mentioned that you are a beginner at this.I hesitate to tell you how to spend five thousand because I don't know your room or your listening preferences.

That said,for a beginner,I suggest using a search engine to find AVA (Audio by Van Alstine) and Odyssey Audio. Take the time to look over their sites and when you have any questions,e mail them,with the knowledge that they market excellent stuff for the money and will give you honest advice.

I have not heard the Biro L-1s(I'm one of those panel speaker nuts.) but I'm sure those(from AVA) and anything Klaus(from Odysssey Audio) recommend with their equipment would be fine deals for the money.

Then,when you are no longer a beginner and can put together used stuff properly,you can do well at this site.