KEF R700 Opinions please

Recently I visited a show room that I discovered only a couple miles from my house. I was curious so I went in and got to talking with the manager. I am new to the "hobby," enjoy keeping an open mind and listening to others opinions. I asked him to play me what he thought were the "best" speakers in the $3k range in the store.

He played me the Magnepan 1.7i’s which sounded nice. Very detailed but not much meat on the bone so to speak. My Vandersteen 2ce Sig II’s have a lot more slam to them. He played me another speaker, which I cannot remember, and didn’t care for at all.

For sh*ts and giggles he put on a pair or KEF R700s. We were also talking about MQA at this point..

I told him I am a drummer so he must’ve assumed I would like Phil Collins, "In The Air Tonight."

First he played me the non-MQA version from Tidal. It sounded good....
Then he played the MQA version.

It was like the sound was emanating from the entire wall, which was probably 18" foot wide by 10’ foot high. The speakers completely disappeared into the room. Massive sound stage!!!


- Does anyone have any opinions on the KEF R700’s? I know they go for $4k new but I’ve seen them for $2k used.
- Are they a highly regarded speaker in the industry/ among audiophiles? Should I care?
- Was my experience with MQA vs. non-MQA tracks typical with respect to having a massive sound stage? or did this have more to do with the room or the speaker itself?

Listened to them many times and wanted to love them because they look great and have really good bass.  I do love the KEF LS50s but the R700s are not voiced in the same way.  
The R700s have a smooth sound but the midrange is not open, transparent or forward enough for my tastes.  
The Harbeth C7ES are about the same $, maintain a smooth non-fatiguing delivery, have less low end extension but have an open, natural transparency to the sound that won me over (and keeps winning me over every day). 

@rotarius That’s encouraging to hear. I’m just not getting what I want out of the Vandy’s. Being new to this hobby, I don’t think it was wrong to get them as my ear needed time to figure out what I like vs. what I don’t. But I think eventually I will be parting ways with them. Glad to hear the KEF’s are working out for you.

@avanti1960 I’ve only heard the R700s once and was knocked out by their massive high and wide soundstage. And you're right, they are gorgeous to look at. I will def. take a look at Harbeth as that name seems to come up on the forums pretty regularly. I would also love to hear the Teckton DI’s as well.