Hegel vs Rogue

I am looking to upgrade my system and am debating whether to go one of two routes:

A) Hegel H160 w/ Schiit Mani phono stage
B) Rogue Sphinx v2. w/ DAC (approx $1000-1500)

I like the power and DAC/Airplay options of the Hegel, but wonder if the Rogue paired with the right DAC would give a warmer more robust sound thanks to its tube-hybrid design. Any thoughts?

Would welcome all thoughts/suggestions, as well as good DAC pairings with the Rogue Sphinx in the $1000-$1500 range.

i’d recommend you spend some of that budget on a better phono stage then the Shiit not bad for $130 but not great either. for $500 there is many way better phono stages out there with a lot more functionality and settings. the IFI iphono2 comes to mind and there is others
I owned the Rogue Cronus Magnum and then the Hegel H200. I'll be honest, I liked the Rogue better but that's not comparing apples to apples. I found my dream integrated in an Accuphase class A. The Hegel was nice but I don't ever think about it. I still think about the Rogue Cronus Magnum.
I also owned the CM2 and it was a nice sounding integrated amp. Good amp to tube roll. I found some good tubes to help the top and bottom but still not enough. I ended up going with an Ayre AX-5/Twenty.  Different price level = different league. But like donjr I still think about my Cronus Magnum :)
i have not heard hegel but i hear great things. i can attest for the rogue, it is musical, lots of power, and the phono stage is really good. it does need cables and tubes to reach potential. 
if you hegel it, spend the money for a better phono stage.

Thank you all for the input. This is super helpful and much appreciated.

For starters, I’ll try to setup an in home demo of the Hegel, or at the very least go listen at my local dealer.

How does the H160 DAC compare to the H300 DAC? I like the added bonus of the network/airplay function on the H160 (but realize quality will be lower than the usual wired USB or Optical input).

For phono stage, do people like the Jolida JD9 MK II? Seems like a solid unit if I'm gonna spring for the extra $$$.
